Friday, January 15, 2021

Liz Cheney Goes For A Ride šŸ‚šŸ˜¬


Come on Wyoming, you can do better than Liz Cheney. Her stance against Trump was not in the interest of conservatives or Wyoming. She just wants to cozy up to the donors and corporations who like Democrats in control, because they get more grift. Time to throw her in 2022 for a better Congress Person. She is a deep state poser who is going to hurt you in the long run.  

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  1. This is funny to me because in the period immediately before the Spanish Civil War, dar un paseo (to give [someone] a ride) was slang for conducting a political assassination.

  2. The Wyoming Republican Party's already condemned her vote. I suspect there's going to be at least one challenger itching to take her out in the primary.

  3. She needs to be rejected. The Bush Clan is finished. She is part of that.


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