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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Steve Bannon exposed on Sixty Minutes tonight!

I can't unsee it!

Steve Bannon will be on Sixty Minutes with Charlie Rose tonight. So how will Charlie Rose handle this? Looking back a few months, Scott Pelley was generally fair with Mike Cernovich (in giving him a chance to respond to attacks). Mike Cernovich acknowledged that following the interview, although Cernovich went into that interview eyes wide open

Pelley got a demotion at CBS News shortly after that interview. That might have been for Pelley's over the top Trump Derangement Syndrome and resulting poor ratings (that is what happens when you alienate half your audience) prior to the Cernovich interview. Unlike MSNBC, CBS News has a broader demographic audience.  

Charlie Rose was horrible in that interview. Mostly belligerent. In trying to attack Bannon, he kept stepping on his answers.  I have a feeling it was heavily edited too. Pelley did a better job with Cernovich. Bannon did a pretty good job.

Breitbart: Steven Bannon: No room in American Society for the KKK and White Nationalists. Hmmm. Like when President Trump denounced the KKK and Neo-Nazis, I am going to guess the left and Charlie Rose glosses over that statement by Mr. Bannon. I guess we will see tonight.

Instapundit: Ron RadoshBannon goes on attack mode and  Bannon gone, but the plan lives on...

Daily Caller: Bannon says McConnell told Trump to tone down the 'drain the swamp' rhetoric

Business Insider: Firing Comey biggest mistake in modern political history

90 Miles from Tyranny: 60 Minutes makes Bannon a red eyed monster

Lem Levity: 60 Minutes manipulate colors to make Bannon look bad

GP: Did CBS use color tricks to make Steve Bannon look evil?

EBL: How about some DACA day chanting?

AoSHQ: Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes

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