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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Karl Rove Predicts Kamala Momemtum


Is Karl wrong? Karl is often wrong, but probably not about this. While Kamala is still the terrible candidate she has always been, the media is now almost 100 % covering for her and the Democrats. I am not surprised her numbers are way better than Biden's. I also agree Trump's campaign is less discliplined since the race shifted to Harris (from Biden). 

Trump needs to focus on substantive issues with Kamala. The border. Oil Policy. The economy. Foriegn policy. Her cover up of Biden's cognitive decline. How her management style is toxic. Her general weirdness. Get her into a debate. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.  

TOM: They’re Calling It the ‘Kamala Crash’Donald Trump Had an Agreement to Debate Joe Biden, Not to Debate ‘Whoever Democrats Pick to Replace Joe Biden’ and Sundown Joe’ and World War III

EBL: Kamala: No Merry Christmas For You, Josh Shapiro Kamala's Veep?, and MAGA Not So Crazy Cat Ladies For Trump 🙀😹☀️

Breitbart: Kamala of CanadaCarville says Dems not close to beating Trump and imploding CNN

Instapundit: SavageKamala's husband's affair, Kamala aint black, and Kamala illegal gun grab

American Greatness: VDH: How Trump can win...or lose...the election and Kamala can't win

Daily Caller: Squad's Bowman does not endorse Josh Shapiro

Townhall: Squad's Cori Bush about to get the boot?

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