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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris Is A Terrible Leader


There is wide spread reports that working for Kamala Harris is difficult. She is not the only Democrat accused on this. Joe Biden is known as Old Yeller. Minnesota's Angry Amy Klobuchar also has a reputation. But given she wants to be President, the public should know about Kamala. There are plenty of good leaders who are demanding and get angry, Kamala's problems and character flaws are way worse than that...

Kamala is not a leader:
The real issue is that Kamala is leadership kryptonite. Her original presidential campaign dissolved into infighting between her staff and her sister. And she dropped out before she could even contest a primary.

As vice president, she not only made zero impact on anything, but her office staff abandoned ship. The only thing she made into a signature issue was opposing Israel over the war with Hamas.

The problem with Kamala Harris is she is even worse than Joe Biden. Given Kamala's record, it is almost certain she would be a terrible commander in chief.  She is a dangerous authoritarian

EBL: Biden: Bitter and BetrayedBIDEN OUT 🤯, Tedious Harry Sisson sings a song for Joe Bidenthe Media and Dems reuniteWho will be Kamala Harris's Running Mate?, and Kamala Harris is ready to meet Biden's performance standard 🍨🍦🍨

Instapundit: A Harris Administration would be worse than Biden's  and Not much of a change

The Federalist: Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and 92% turnover rate in Kamala's office

Legal Insurrection: Harris's office has a 92% turnover rate (she sucks as a boss)

AoSHQ: Kamala's Honeymoon won't last and Morning Report 07.23.24

Frontpage : Who is Kamala Harris? A disturbing and haunting record

Just The News: When Kamala was in charge, failure followed

RSM: Keeping Up With Unreality and Paranoid Temptation

Reason: It is easy to forget how bad Kamala really is...

Open the Books: Kamala had a 92% staff turnover

LeeFang: Searching for the real Kamala Harris

Mark Steyn: Unburdened by that...has been

PJ Media: Democrat coup against Kamala?

JNS: The real problem with Kamala

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