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Sunday, July 21, 2024



Biden endorses Kamala

Why leave Biden in for now?  If Kamala is going to be the nominee (and that is no guarantee), why not let her take over now? If Biden is unfit to run for President for a second term, he is unfit to be President now.  

Update: I turned on MSNBC just to see what they were saying. Rachel Maddow is claiming the race is totally changed and that Trump Vance will lose to Kamala. Rachel also looks like she is about to cry.

Barack Obama NOT endorsing Harris at this time. This is interesting...

TOM: BIDEN DROPS REELECTION BID; THROWS SUPPORT TO VP HARRIS and BOOM! Trump Campaign Hits Harris Immediately: ‘Kamala Was In On It’

AoSHQ: Dem Coup against Biden and Morning Report 07.22.24

Legal Insurrection: Biden out and endorses Harris

Steyn on Line: The Coming of Kamala

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