Friday, July 19, 2024

Mark Halperin claims Biden NOT running and NOT endorsing Kamala 🤯


This seems a bit bold on Mark Halperin's part, but there is pressure on Biden. I guess we will see.  


Obivously the Democrats and their media lackies are in a bad place of their own making, which is better than ice cream (I love ice cream). The most sense is to let Kamala take over the Presidency before the DNC. It would change the dynamic. The party could try to unify around her for the November 2024 election. I doubt it would work, but it would arguably better than what is going on now. But then again, Biden is a stubborn SOB and (with Jillzilla and Hunter's backing) may just insist on going forward.  

EBL: Vice President Kamala Harris responds to President Joe Biden's Covid ☣️😬, Biden Advisors Threaten To "Beat The Shit" Out Of White House Staffers Who Leak To the MediaMark Halperin accused of sexual harassment, and John Heilemann: Dumb ass or just a liar about Mark Halperin?

Twitchy: WATCH: ‘Man’ Who Let Joe Biden Creep on His Daughter Goes the Full Baghdad Bob on Biden Drop-Out Rumors

TOM: Exit Strategy? Biden Tests Positive for COVID, Retreats to Delaware and Adam Schiff Joins Dump-Biden Coup

AoSHQ: Bitter Bulwark TearsMorning Report 07.19.24poll crash, and this weekend?

Instapundit: Team Joe Defiant and Biden Push Back

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