Monday, September 17, 2018

Supreme Court Confirmation Flashbacks

SNL Cold Open: Clarance Thomas

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: The Anita Hill To Die On

Instapundit: Stacy McCainDemocrats and the Rape of Justice

RedState/Streiff: What Does Christine Ford Stand To Gain? (a lot)

TOM: Late Night With The Mailbox 09.18.18: Proof Positive: Kill Brett, Part III and Mark Steyn: Docksider Dregs Of Seersucker Society

EBL: Give Kavanaugh's accuser a chance to speak, but move forwardKavanaugh's Accuser Revealed: Christine Blasey FordDemocrat Party Sleaze MerchantsZina Bash attacked by on line lynch mob

TOM: What does 'credible' mean in 2018?Can the GOP win this Kavanaugh Fight? (yes, hold the line), Judge Kavanaugh Doubles DownTrauma Queen: What do we know about Christin Blasey Ford?Memories Light The Corners of My Mind and Democrats pulls their sleaziest smear in their long history of sleazy smears

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