Saturday, September 15, 2018

Democrat Party Sleaze Merchants

TOMAce, and Powerline are right, this is especially sleazy on the part of Democrats

One of the theories behind this desperate tactic is the Democrats are trying to give cover to red state Democrats up for re-election this year.  A smoke screen a remote, unsubstantiated accusation at least gives them a plausible reason to their voters not to give a "yes" to Kavanaugh. I hope it backfires on them. 

Why aren't Democrat nominees subject to nonsense like this? I don't mean the completely dishonest tactics and gamesmanship of Dianne Feinstein, that is just wrong, but I mean having their entire life history torn apart? If the Democrats want to go down this path, let's go there. There is some rationale in not making politics so personal. Democrats are especially good, however, in picking nominees that hold a very tight progressive line and don't waiver from it.  

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: The Whole Smear

Rush Limbaugh: Former Kavanaugh Colleague Calls ShowReasonable Suspicion and Repressed MemoriesThe Kavanaugh Accusation Is A Set UpWill Kavanaugh Accuser Even Show Up At The Hearing?Flashback to 1991: Rush on Charlie RoseRush's gut response to Susan Collins tweetDemocrat Strategist Lies in response to RushChristine Blasey Ford, without evidence, accuses Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rapeFemale caller worries legitimate rape victims won't be believed.  Why doesn't Trump declassify FISA documentsPushing back against all the liesKavanaugh story takes a despicable turn (by the media and Democrats), The Sheer Stupidity of Jerry BrownGoogle Alternatives

1 comment:

  1. Demos have been pulling this stuff for 100 years, but at least people are wise to it.

    Democrats are trying to give cover to red state Democrats up for re-election this year. A smoke screen a remote, unsubstantiated accusation at least gives them a plausible reason to their voters not to give a "yes" to Kavanaugh. I hope it backfires on them.

    i think you can count on it.


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