Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Matthew Dowd: Political Whore and Asshat of the Day

Matthew Dowd is a dishonest, disloyal, partisan weasel prick. Which is why he works so well for George Stephanopoulos. Does Dowd also denounce Democrats for misbehavior (say Keith Ellison)?  Hell no he doesn't.  

Before going off on Justice Thomas and Judge Kavanaugh, maybe Dowd should start with his girlfriend Maria Shriver's uncle Ted Kennedy and denounce him? Then perhaps  move on to Stephanopoulos's old boss Bill Clinton? Then again, maybe he should just STFU before he melts down in a puddle of toxic pus from own hyper-hypocriticalness?  

Hell, why not dump Maria and Matthew can hook up with Steve Schmidt? They are both so compatible and can be the Burt and Ernie of NeverTrumper chides. I don't know about you, but there is nothing I like more than a chidey self-righteous lecture from a Democrat fluffer like Dowd. 

Remember, Matthew Dowd was a Republican working for the Bush Administration long after Thomas got confirmed...and was just fine with Thomas then.  

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