Friday, September 7, 2018

Cory Booker: I Am Spartacus

Some Senators like oysters, others prefer snails, but Cory Booker is one of those Senators who love the cameras!

Cory Booker, Kamala Harris were not seriously blocking Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation (at least I hope they are not that delusional). They were virtue signalling to their supporters. But a lot of their supporters are completely insane. Do they think this circus helps them? Objectively, the economy is better under Trump, so the Democrats want control so they can focus on other things.  

Obama just gave a speech promising lots of free stuff.  Who will pay for it?  

Rush Limbaugh: Todd Herman

Friday Fiction Challenge: Smitty/Darleen

Pirate's Cove: Zina Bash trolls the unhinged with an "OK" sign

Powerline: Democrat Constitution H8The Mayor of Crazy Town and Reality v. Fantasy

Legal Insurrection: They Romneyed KavanaughZina Bash is ok and she's trolling #StopKavanaugh H8ers

Instapundit: None of you idiots are SpartacusSenate STURM UND DRANG and Cory Booker: Spartacus of Newark

EBL: Zina Bash attacked by left wing lynch mob, Schumer (another camerasexual) calls for Impeachment, and Kavanaugh Catastrophy

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