Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Schumer Seeks Impeachment of Trump: "The Sooner, The Better"

The glorious revolution will start following the mid-terms!

Talk of impeachment gets Democrats so hot!

EBL: Kavanaugh Catastrophe

Powerline: Crazy Cory Booker

AoSHQ /J.J. Sefton: Cunning Stunts

AoSHQ: Jennifer Rubin is sadly delusional

90 Miles From Tyranny: No low too low for the DC Swamp

Axios:  This metric explains GOP vulnerability in the House

Townhall: Senator Chuck Schumer Strikes Again: Threatens Walkout

A View From The Beach: Democrats Throw Tantrum At Kavanaugh Hearing

TOM: Democratss Planned (and paid for) Hearing Protests and Trump Derangement Syndrome

Instapundit: \Blue Wave?Ricochet: Don't Fool Yourself, the Blue Wave is probably real, Washington's vicious hypocrisy on full display, Crazy Talk

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