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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Separated At Birth: Trey Gowdy and...?

Trey Gowdy and Anderson Cooper!

Given the way they act, you'd think the media might have compromising photos of Trey Gowdy and Marco Rubio!  

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Très Gaudy

An Important Announcement From Starbucks Coffee™...

Brownie Husband

Sad. Still, it probably beats becoming a Crazy Cat Lady...

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Wired Right: Kyla Cole

Woodsterman: Olaf's Cow

EBL: Westworld Akane No Mai

Goodstuff Cyber Blog: 216th Ed.

Hogewash: More on TRAPPIST 1

Irons in the Fire: It's been a wet Friday

Grouchy Old Cripple: Saturday Boobage

Lem's Place: Shaking Hands and Tonkatsu

Animal Magnetism: Saturday Gingermageddon

American Power:  Emily Ratajkowski Photo Shoot

Feral Irishman: SundeyesCoffee Time and Art Lover

By Other Means: Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and indulgence:

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Indian and Chinese Doing Business

Family Guy Italian Jokes

White People Problems

Air Afrikaans

Sometimes You Need Some Cultural Appropriation

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Wired Right: Kyla Cole

Woodsterman: Olaf's Cow

EBL: Westworld Akane No Mai

Goodstuff Cyber Blog: 216th Ed.

Hogewash: More on TRAPPIST 1

Irons in the Fire: It's been a wet Friday

Grouchy Old Cripple: Saturday Boobage

Lem's Place: Shaking Hands and Tonkatsu

Animal Magnetism: Saturday Gingermageddon

American Power:  Emily Ratajkowski Photo Shoot

Feral Irishman: SundeyesCoffee Time and Art Lover

By Other Means: Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and cultural appropriation:

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Roseanne's Show Cancelled Over Planet of the Apes Comment


Roseanne, you should have stopped after your May 28 Memorial Day tweet...

I am no fan of Valerie Jarrett (her family does have ties to Communists and the Muslim Brotherhood), but Roseanne's Jarrett tweet is not particularly funny. Valerie Jarrett's problem is not her looks or her race, but her politics. The Planet of the Apes reference is racist in a stupid, sophomoric, idiotic sort of way. It has a drunken rant quality to it (update: Roseanne claims to have been taking Ambien). It is the sort of thing one might say and the other side gets all gleeful (rather than truly offended) on how they can use it against you. And use it they did.  

I am not sure what triggered Roseanne's tweeting, but now her show is cancelled (despite her apology). Of course, ABC/Disney does have very high standards to meet! ABC is also very sensitive to monkey comments (and yes I know apes are not monkeys).

The Feral Irishman: What's All The Fuss About?

If only Roseanne had this training before this weekend...

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Tyrants and Distorted Meaning

Pakistani Sex Grooming Gangs: Don't Ask, Don't Tell...

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Land of Rape and [REDACTED]

The draconian slap down of Tommy Robinson for reporting on the trial, actually emphasizes this story more.  I get the British government hates the English Defense League and Tommy Robinson, but shouldn't they hate grooming gangs preying on under-aged girls more? The UK government wants to keep the lid on the rape grooming trial going on, with the fear that if members of the public were more aware of what was going on with minor women there they might be angry. 

The politicians and judges don't care that much for Asian minorities in the UK (other than as a voting group). What those in power really fear is that general public might be more angry with them (for letting this go on so long). That is why they are coming down so hard on Tommy Robinson. 

TOM: In The Mailbox 5.29.18Mark Steyn sums up the travesty of these proceedings:  
So on Friday [Tommy Robinson] was outside the Crown Court in Leeds. He was not demonstrating, or accosting or chanting, or even speaking. He was just pointing his mobile phone upon the scene from a distance. Within minutes, seven coppers showed up in whatever they use instead of a Black Maria these days, tossed him inside it and drove off. In other words, these were not "investigating officers" called to the scene: They showed up with the intent to take him away. Within hours, he was tried, convicted and gaoled - at HM Prison Hull, a Category B chokey, or one level below maximum security. The judge in the case, one Geoffrey Marson, spent all of four minutes on trying, convicting and sentencing Robinson. It is not clear whether that leisurely tribunal included his order expressly forbidding "any report on these proceedings" (the case is Regina vs Yaxley-Lennon because that's Robinson's real name).

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Review: The 5:17 To Paris with bonus Jenna Fischer and Judy Greer

I missed the 5:17 To Paris in the theaters, but watched it via streaming.  It was a great story, but in a way I did not imagine. This is a movie on how kids who school administrators and teachers considered incorrigible and worthless ADD/ADHD kids, are really over looked (and often over medicated). Given their fascination with air soft guns, I am surprised they weren't targeted as potential school shooters (they would be today). But thanks to mothers who believed in them and their friendship with each other (and some Air Force and Oregon National Guard training), they rose to the occasion when they had to. We should celebrate this sort of heroism.  

I thought the stylization and flash back story telling by Clint Eastwood was effective (at least for me). Casting acting newcomers Alek Skarlatos, Anthony Sadler, Spencer Stone as themselves worked better than I would have imagined.

The only real-life hero missing is a 28-year-old French banker who was first to confront the terrorist while waiting to use an onboard bathroom. Often referred to as Damien A., he wished to remain anonymous after the ordeal.

History vs. Hollywood: The 5:17 To Paris (Eastwood make the film pretty close to history)

While the boys are the heroes, so are their mom!  Played by Jenna Fischer (aka Pam from The Office)

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Wired Right: Kyla Cole

Woodsterman: Olaf's Cow

Goodstuff Cyber Blog: 216th Ed.

Hogewash: More on TRAPPIST 1

Irons in the Fire: It's been a wet Friday

Grouchy Old Cripple: Saturday Boobage

Lem's Place: Shaking Hands and Tonkatsu

Animal Magnetism: Saturday Gingermageddon

American Power:  Emily Ratajkowski Photo Shoot

Feral Irishman: SundeyesCoffee Time and Art Lover

By Other Means: Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and some heroic American kids in Europe (it has been a while since we celebrated that, and I also liked the Eagle's Nest reference in the movie):