I can only respond with more Scarlet Johansson
EBL: Women of Avengers, Age of Ultron
Rule 5 and FMJRA
Instapundit: Feminist Orwellian Doublethink
Smitty: Patriarchal Oppression Starts Young and Feminist chase Whedon off Twitter?
TOM: Texas Lesbian Teacher Preying on Students
AoSHQ: One group of SJW gang up on a SJW
Wombat: Crowder: Avengers: Age of Political Correctness
Instapundit: Ban Hate Speech! and Whedon should stick to writing (leave the feminist politics to Stacy McCain)
Twitchy: Josh Whedon denies he was driven off Twitter
Little Scarlett (I remember when she co-starred with Sean Connery in the 90s) isn't built all that great, but she does rock that suit.