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Sunday, August 4, 2024

The British Government Vows To Destroy The White Racists of Southport

Diversity is our strength

Is this an immigrant crisis, a mental health crisis, or a societal collapse crisis? Embrace the conjunctive power of and. Don't be too judgmental. The US has 17 year old kids killing each other every weekend in Chicago over drug territory. 

This case was just a bit unusual in this 17 year old youth (with immigrant parents) allegedly targeted and murdered little girls at a Taylor Swift theme party. This is more akin to a school shooting (albeit showing you can engage in plenty of terror with just a knife). 

Granted a lot of violence is related drug, mental health, and society collapse, but open immigration is at least part of it. Don't worry, the powers that be know how to deal with your kind. How dare you protest. Police are cracking down on white working class protesters.  Leftist and Muslim gangs are joining in. 

And if you think Muslims are being unfairly blamed for this, there is a reason. No indication that the 17 year old was Muslim, but people still remember what happened in Rottenham.  There is a lot of pent up rage that this latest horror is letting out.  

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