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Monday, June 10, 2024

Moviepass, Movie Crash

This was a pretty good documentary. It just shows how a good idea can get hijacked and crash and burn. Obviously paying out more than a subscription costs, is going to not work. The trick with this one was negotiating with theaters and studios to make it work. Having a subscription model to promote movie attendance is a good idea (AMC did come up with its own subscription service). It definitely could have worked, but too much hubris with some of those behind it. 

Too bad because theaters are mostly doomed now. Throwing out the two black founders of the Moviepass company and having the money guys run it into the ground was a nice touch. Welcome to Hollywood and Wall Street.  

Stacy Spikes and Hamet Watt Screwed by the man!

Ted Farnsworth and Mitch Lowe (both indicted and awaiting trial)

AoSHQ: Morning Report 06.10.24

Rule 5 and FMJRA

.357 Magnum: Sat Link

Lady Lake: Twisted Hillbilly

Daley Gator : Doug's new site

American Elephants : Angels?

24 Femmes Per Second: Barbara Lang

The Right Way: Saturday Link-O-Rama

Woodsterman : Memorial Day and Rule 5

Hogewash: Bob Belvedere, RIP and Ending

Diogenes Middle Finger : Rinos and Tuesday

Feral Irishman: Honor and Friday Femme Fatale

Proof Positive: Proof Positive, Emmanuel, and Lord

Animal Magnetism: Remember and Gingermaggedon

A View From The Beach: Anna Louise and Fish Pic Friday

Knuckledraggin My Life Away: I'm sure she's taken men and I’ll leave you with this


A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and streaming through the Wuhan Coronacalypse:


Wired Right

Proof Positive

The Last Tradition

The Classic Liberal

Old Retired Petty Officer

Sticks, Stories, and Scotch

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