Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Is The Fix In With The CNN Biden Trump Debate?


DC and the media are so incestuous.

Of course the fix is in. Really Jack Tapper and Dana Bash? They and CNN itself are completely hostile to Trump. But the Biden White House wanted Trump to say no to the debate and were caught flat footed when he agreed. It will be the moderators and drug spiked Biden against Trump on Thursday. 

Is there risk for Trump? Of course. He could have a bad night. It is tough given the rules for him to run outside the restrictions imposed by the moderators.  There is always risk. Partisan moderators piling on Trump and giving Biden a pass would likely work in his interest too.  

If Biden manages to not completely meltdown he will be left to run against Trump in the general. If Biden has a bad night, I would not be surprised if some back room deal at the Democrat Convention replaced him as the candidate for the November election. 

EBL: Anti MAGA Debate Camp 😬☀️, Is it a mistake for Trump to go on CNN to debate Biden?Thanks Joe BidenBiden JuneteenthLowering Expectations, and Biden Unfit To Stand Trial

Instapundit: All three have compared him to HitlerCNN downplays biasTapper-CNN LawsuitThe Fix Is In, and Debate Tune-Up

AoSHQ: Why debate now?Morning Report 06.25.24, and CNN Kassie Hunt freaks over Trump Campaign call out

Breitbart: CNN's Bash and Tapper repeatedly hostile to Trump and CNN Defends

American Thinker: What Trump needs to hammer during the debate Thursday

Daily Wire: Trump shares why he agreed to Fake Tapper for debate

American Greatness: Will the debate expose a fragile Biden?

Legal Insurrection: Biden v. Trump Debate Strategies


  1. Neither CNN moderator will be unbiased as they are both in for Biden. The problem is CNN is dying as a company since they do not give people the truth.

  2. Nobody is going to watch except for those who want to see what they pumped into the zombie.


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