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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is it a mistake for Trump to go to CNN to debate Biden?


Why CNN and then ABC?  Does Trump think he will really debate Biden? Why not MSNBC too?

All Biden needs to do is beat low expectations. 

I agree with J.J. Sefton on this one.

TOM: Six Weeks Until First Debate


  1. Trump made his bones going on hostile sites 8 years ago and prevailed. If he eats Idiot's lunch with somebody like Nina Totenberg "moderating", everybody knows a Demo win was fake.

  2. Personally, my prediction is that there will be no debates. Biden talked tough like he's done all his life...pretend tough guy. The fact is that he can't stay coherent for more than a few minutes even when reading a prepared speech from a teleprompter.

    He bluffed. He probably thought that Trump would balk when he made the demands to do the debates on pro-Biden networks with pro-Biden "moderators" and with no audience. Trump called his bluff.

    Biden may actually think he can do do it, but he's obviously incapable of making a rational decision about his abilities. His handlers will realize that he's going to fall on his face and there will be some sort of "crisis" ginned up that will demand the immediate and undivided attention of POTUS and the debates will be canceled at the last minute.

    He didn't chicken out, you see, he's just so important he had to attend to steering the course of the world and all...couldn't take time out for something as minor as a debate.

    That's my prediction, but you know what Yogi said about predictions...making them is hard; especially about the future.


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