Monday, November 13, 2023

Secret Service Agent Shoots To Protect Biden's Granddaughter's SUV?


Granted this story is breaking, but what I heard is some car theives were messing around with Biden's granddaughter's SUV. She was not in it or near it. Is it ok to just shoot in that circumstance--with out an actual threat to the officer? The shot missed and the theives got away anyway. It sounds weird.

Update:  As TOM points out--were there firearms in the car?  Hence the shooting?     

TOM: Secret Service Agents Open Fire on D.C. ‘Youth’ Breaking Into Their Car

Washington Free Beacon: Nation finally noticing DC crime wave

AoSHQ: Morning Report 11.13.23


 Rule 5 and FMJRA

.357 Magnum: Sat Link

Bacon Time: Sunday links

Daley Gator: Doug's new site

American Elephants: Dental art

The Right Way: Saturday Link-O-Rama

24 Femmes Per Second: Carmen Sevillas

Woodsterman: Memorial Day and Rule 5

Hogewash: Bob Belvedere, RIP and quote

Diogenes Middle Finger: Rinos and Monday

Feral Irishman: Honor anFriday Femme Fatale

Proof Positive: Proof Positive, The AngelusFaith

Animal Magnetism: Remember and Gingermageddon

A View From The Beach : Mary Nabokova and Fish Pic Friday

Knuckledraggin My Life Away: I'm sure she's taken men and I’ll leave you with this


A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and streaming through the Wuhan Coronacalypse:


Wired Right

Proof Positive

The Last Tradition

The Classic Liberal

Old Retired Petty Officer

Sticks, Stories, and Scotch


  1. I heard it was a government ss vehicle , no one in it. Last I heard you can't shoot someone for breaking into your car .

    1. Yes! It was just the SUV assigned to her. If this was you or me, we would be in big trouble.


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