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Friday, November 10, 2023

Ronna McDaniel is a Failure as RNC Chair


Townhall: Resign Ronna

Mitt Romney's niece needs to go. She has a track record of failure. The GOP can do better. I am not suggesting she is totally to blame (there are a lot of corrections needed on a lot of levels), but look at the GOP primary debates? Can we do better than letting the MSM control them (with just Hugh Hewitt thrown in as a token GOPe "conservative")? 

Ronna McDaniel certainly shares in the blame for the GOP loserdome stench. Her ouster would be a good step in starting to correct a culture of failure.

AoSHQ: Morning Report 11.10.23

1 comment:

  1. She doesn't appear to be going hungry, based on the photo....


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