It was executed well enough and the story writing certainly followed the primary theme of the show: "These violent delights will have violent ends..." So while I am not surprised by the ending, it was nilistic. And ultimately--I did not care that much about it.
Not the complete disaster that the Game of Thrones ending, but...meh. There is a glimer of hope (either for the future or perhaps for a Season 5) but my guess this is it.
I get that human beings are flawed. I get that they are self destructive. They also seek meaning and at least attempt to transcend to something better (even if they often fail in that attempt). You would think artificial intelligence would at least try to transcend being human for something else? Yet the robots in this show are sad reflections of their creators--and only in the negative sense.
This show thinks it is more clever than it actually is. I say this as a fan (especially of Season 1 which was execllent).

Rule 5 and FMJRA
Animal Magnetism: Gingermageddon
The Right Way: Saturday Link-O-Rama
Hogewash: Bob Belvedere, RIP and Beria
American Elephants: When it bakes, it pours!
Mad Irishman: Louisianna Supreme Court denies
Diogenes Middle Finger: Classic band reveals of you
Pirate's Cove: If all you see... and Sorta Blogless Pinup
Proof Positive: Winning, Quote du jour, and Best of the Web
A View From The Beach: Kornelija Slunjski and Fish Pic Friday
Rush Limbaugh: Never Let the World Forget What Happened on D-Day
Feral Irishman: Friday Femme Fatale, Hold my beer, and Make Mine Freedom
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links
Bob Belvedere, RIP 😢 and
Don't Deny The Science: DIE HARD IS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE 🎅🎄🔥
Mark Steyn:
Michael Mann, Loser (Again),
Friday Aug 12,
The Indispensable Man, Remembering Rush, Shaidle Among The Stars, Kathy's World
In The Mailbox: 08.19.22,
Mac Jones Doesn’t Expect to Lose,
In The Mailbox: 08.18.22,
‘Mashed Tater’: Ace of Spades Frantically Seeks New Target of Fat Jokes as CNN Axes Unpopular Pudgy Bald Guy,
Trans Groomers Are Getting Desperate,
In The Mailbox: 08.17.22 (Evening Edition),
Who Hates Republican Voters Worse, Allahpundit or Liz Cheney?,
In The Mailbox: 08.17.22 (Afternoon Edition),
Some Blunt Truth About ‘Hate’,
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R.I.P., Republican Establishment,
Three Killed in ‘Intentional’ Attack Outside Black Gay Bar in Chicago,
An Analogy Too Far?,
Are ‘Higher Standards’ Really to Blame?,
NY State Police Mystified by Motive of Muslim Who Stabbed Salman Rushdie,
The Tragedy of Anne Heche,
It Started With Darwinism,
In The Mailbox: 08.12.22,
Gregory William Robert Fulchino, R.I.P.
A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and streaming through the Wuhan Coronacalypse:
Old Retired Petty Officer
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