Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Noah Cyrus: July

AoSHQ: Morning Report 07.21.20

Miley's sister has a career of her own.  Hopefully she does not get as wack-a-doo as her sibling. 

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Acid Cow: Pic Dump

Bacon Time: Chi Groot!


Hogewash: Quote of the Day

View from Lady Lake: Rule 5

Legal Insurrection: Pelosi on PDX

American Elephants: PDX failed CHOP

Woodsterman: Frazier in CHAZ and Rule 5

The Woodpile Report: Young woman and RIP

The Right Way: Patriot Day and Link-O-Rama

Diogenes' Middle Finger: A Karen Pissed Op-Ed

American Spectator: The Media's Attrocity Narrative

Animal Magnatism: 1776 Project and Gingermageddon

A View from the Beach: Oregon, My Oregon and Stone Free

Political Clown Parade: Plantation JoeFlowing Curves Of Beauty, and 😢

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