Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Presidents of the United States: Peaches 🍑

A classic suggested by taminator013

It's sad to see Alyssa Milano's mental heath decline. She's so crazy, even the left disowns her.

Here's a few images before she became a political Norma Desmond.

TOM: They said it couldn't be done...

A simpler time, and dare I say a happier time for Ms. Milano?

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Goodstuff's: 251st Ed

Woodsterman: Rule 5

Lem's Place: Christmas 🕷️

Powerline: Week In Pictures

357 Magnum: Saturday Links

Hogewash : Quote of the Day

The Daley Gator: Daley Babe

Bacon Time: Sunday Linkage

American Power Blog: Richard Jewell

A View from the Beach: Monday RussiaGate

Animal Magnetism: Saturday Gingermageddon

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and vintage tv stars:

1 comment:

  1. Not bad, but I prefer a Stranglers' tune by the same title........


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