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Monday, July 29, 2019

Boomtown Rats: Rat Trap 🐀

Legal Insurrection: Baltimore: Democrats use racism charge against Trump to deflect own malfeasance and neglect

EBL: Rat Rule 5, Rat Film and You know what rat infested Baltimore needs? 🐀🐀🐀 A good song 🎶👩🏿‍🎤 🤗

Instapundit: Woke RacismRush backs Trump, and Al Sharpton swoops in to save Baltimore from Trump

Powerline: Bernie Sanders's racist remarks about Baltimore and Baltimore vs. Minneapolis

Rush Limbaugh: Pushback looks like thisLiberal run hell holesGOP slandered

TOM: 'Avenge the Patriotic Gore That Flecked the Streets of Baltimore’

The Lid: Democrats have been calling Baltimore a sh*t hole for years

AoSHQ: Morning Report 07.29.19 and Morning Rant

Townhall: A Visit To Baltimore (eyeopener)

This is a good song to sum up the rat trap that Baltimore is to kids living there. Why isn't there any accountablility for Baltimore's school system. This is what Baltimore got after five decades plus of pretty much exclusive Democrat control. Democrats politicians do not care about children. If they did they would never tolerate the chronic failure of public schools in Baltimore (as well as Newark, St. Louis, Chicago, etc.).  
h/t to Taminator for this

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