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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Zuckerberg Almost Passes Turing Test

The awkward smile feature on Zuckerbot still needs some work. from r/gifs
Twitchy: There may be a lot of backpeddling going on at Facebook

Victory Girls: Thoughts on Zuckerberg's Testimony today

TOM: Zuckerberg and the Trump Exception

90 Miles From Tyranny: Smile Algorithm 

Lem's Place: Zuck's Cushion
Mark Steyn: Only In America

Daily Mail: Is That You, Data?

TOM: In The Mailbox 04.11.18: BattleSwarm: Instead Of Actual Content, Enjoy Some Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg Hearing Memes & Links, The Geller Report: Facebook Has Dozens Of Former Obama & Hillary Staffers In Senior Positions, Michelle Malkin: The Student Data-Mining Scandal Under Our Noses

1 comment:

  1. Zuck blew it when he told the world he found it fascinating to interact with real humans.

    Watch for the noose to get tighter as the bus rolls closer.


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