Thursday, February 22, 2018

Coward of the County?

If this is true (and every indication is it is true) then yes, he was a coward. 

Redemption can't happen until there is acknowledgement. 

I do not want to beat up too much on Deputy Scot Peterson who froze. Until you are in that position you do not know if you would act heroically or not.  But given how Sheriff Scott Israel acted at that CNN hate rally scene, I will be damned if I accept any lectures from those bastards. His job was to protect kids and he failed miserably. Scott Israel should also be fired. 

And why should we give up our guns? There are mad men the police and FBI do nothing about and they are obviously incapable of protecting us?  

Powerline: Colton Haab vs. CNN I believe Colton

Political Clown Parade: Coward Of The County

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Sheriff Quick-Withdraw

Lem's Place: Deputy waited outside

Don Surber: Scot Peterson Fail

Pirate's Cove: Protected? 

AoSHQ: Now we know


  1. You just can't trust cops named Peterson.

  2. And the best part is Dana Loesch, after the Sheriff tried to shame her and said nothing about this, ripping him a very large, bloody, new one on Twitter.


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