Ahmad Kahn Rahami's family operated First American Fried Chicken in Elizabeth, NJ
Don Surber has Yelp Reviews!
Don Surber has Yelp Reviews!
Pressure cooker fried chicken is absolutely delicious, some would say it's da bomb, it is also dangerous as hell to do at home...
Notorious Robophobe Matt Yglesias is also into the "science" of fried chicken
Wombat: Mark Steyn: The Left Would Rather Ban The Debate Than Win It
How they caught Ahmad: Dumb luck and surveillance cameras
How they caught Ahmad: Dumb luck and surveillance cameras
I worked at a KFC when I was a kid. They had commercial fryers under pressure. The "spices" came in a bag, no description of the contents. We dredged it through the flour, dropped it into baskets and dropped the baskets into the pressure fryers and away it went:KFC. All you can eat if you worked there. Not anymore, I'm sure, businesses suck today, but I used to eat the hell outta the stuff. Meanwhile, if KFC hangs around for a bit, even an hour, it gets old and dry. I used to always have a load ready to drop if friends came in. Weed for chicken, pretty good business! Ha!