Saturday, September 12, 2015

Okay Boys: If You Had To Pick One...

Question: If you had to pick one of these women (and you are limited to these three) which would it be and why?

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Instapundit: A complement is not misogynistic (I do believe it was a not so subtle come-on, but that is not misogynistic either--the proper rejection if you are not interested is a "no thanks."), Skepchick is confused on what happened, and survival of the fittest: Dawkins vs. Feminists (there can only be one)
“What must the veiled, subjugated women of genuinely patriarchal societies in the East and South think when they see a free, well-connected woman in the West scream ‘misogyny!’ over a compliment? They must feel pretty lonely, knowing they’re unlikely ever to win solidarity from such sorry, self-obsessed excuses for feminists.” 
If you understand that feminism is, in part, a leveling mechanism used by less-attractive women against more-attractive women, it will make sense. 
Feminists just don't get it

Instapundit/Ed Driscoll: VDH: The Cult of Whiners and Viva Microagressions!
AoSHQ: The Microagressive Angry Oberlin Latina and don't you dare bring up futbol to her you Gringo scum!


  1. I would have to say "none of the above". Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone. Their SJW and feminazi cred is an instant turn-off. As a man in today's environment, I don't need that headache....

    1. I totally understand (many would opt out...or alternatively get really drunk and say "what the hell...I will just pretend it did not happen the next day."), but what if you had to choose? From those three and where you would really be with your choice, day in and day out. Which one and why?

    2. *chuckles* Since I have no choice in the matter, I would pick Jacqueline. On the surface, she's reasonably attractive. On the other hand, and I think more importantly, she may be self-absorbed but at least she's well-grounded and responsible--hard worker, takes care of her financial obligations and thinks ahead and prepares for possible hard times (as do I). She seems to enjoy a variety of activities as well. That, IMHO, makes her a better choice than the other two. It would be interesting to see what others think.

    3. I concur, Jacqueline is the least insane of the three, so she is probably the best pick.

  2. I have to go with Rebecca Watson.
    She is not terribly attractive, or even moderately hot...but, her unabashedly evil personality and her pretentious mocking hateful sneer really turns me on! :P

  3. Char looks a little frumpy there, but the pic at the link has that Deborah Kerr/Greer Garson cool-on-the-surface-but-hot-and-lusty-underneath vibe.

    Jacqui has an interesting spark in her eye, along with the smile, but she does need to get over herself.

    I'm a sucker for a cute girl with glasses, but the purple hair usually goes through to the brain.

    Like His Poutiness, I'll have to vote Present.

    1. Coward! But at least you gave your reasons for each of them so...okay, you can vote present!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, with these three that is way too easy an option. You must choose or at least give a detailed analysis of each one.

  5. Celibacy would be preferable to mating with any of those three. Lifelong celibacy.

    1. That is probably true...but celibacy is of course the easy answer to this question!


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