Thursday, August 22, 2013

Was Michael Hastings Car Tampered With Before Crash?

The Other McCain has been all over this story for a while.

Hastings supposedly said he suspected his vehicle was tampered with...

Hastings was loved, feared, haunted and now...
While a remote possibility, theoretically Hastings' vehicle could have been
hacked and remotely controlled the night of the crash...
But his family was trying to get him into detox and he had traces of marijuana (not a big deal) and methamphetamine (which is a big deal).  And he was known to suffer from PTSD and may have been paranoid (whether that was justified or not is unknown--although a healthy skepticism and concern is not wrong).

You have to rule this an accident based on what is known.  The evidence remains he was driving fast, lost control, and crashed his vehicle.  Was he murdered?  If it possible (it is not disproven) but hardly proven.  


  1. Since we've already got surveillance and intimidation, assassination would be the next logical step...

    1. It is possible...but I think they would target someone other than this dude.


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