Thursday, July 11, 2013

Democrats in History: Franklin Delano Roosevelt deports U.S. Citizens of Mexican ancestry in the 1930s


  1. Maybe it was in retaliation for when the Mexicans kicked the Chinese out of Mexico in 1931:

  2. Roosevelt also signed Executive Order 9066 which authorized relocation of more than 150,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants into internment camps, notwithstanding the total lack of evidence of any collaboration with the Imperial Leaders. Their homes, assets and businesses were seized and never returned. Roosevelt ordered the US Census Bureau to assist in locating Americans of Japanese ancestry.

    Jimmy Carter ordered an investigation in 1980, and it found the internment to have been unnecessary. The Carter administration 'generously' awarded each internment survivor $20,000. President Reagan later signed an order apologizing for the internment and authorizing $1.6 billion to be distributed to the survivors and their heirs.

    1. Then Bucketmouth was lying his ass off.

      A big reason for the internment was the presence of a Japanese secret society (secret societies served as political parties in Japan then) known as Kokuryƫkai, "the Black Dragon", which ran the POW camps and germ warfare facilities in Manchuria and worked as a secret intel organization overseas.

      They'd already infiltrated the Japanese community on the West Coast and were believed to have been responsible for sabotage in Brazil.

      Although George Marshall disliked the whole internment idea (one of FDR's ways of keeping the home folks happy), he realized that the internment camps would be a good way to be able to separate the infiltrators from true Japanese-Americans.

      And it worked like a charm.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They must be going bug-house over at NPR or has BO replaced FDR as the ultimate Democrat Icon?


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