Monday, May 27, 2013

But I'm A Cheerleader: So I can't be a criminal...?

But I'm a Cheerleader is a comedy film about a girl finding out she is a lesbian...

The reality is a wee bit different than the movie, and not funny at all
(especially for the victim's family).
Kaitlyn Hunt Smith, an 18 year old who likes to have sex with a 14 year old...

Now if she were on the football team (and a male) would
the media narrative be harsher for her?  
Kaitlyn Hunt Smith is an 18 year old who sexually assaulted a 14 year old girl.  I use the term sexually assaulted because the age of consent in this case is 16.  There is not dispute that these individuals engaged in sexual activities, one being legally an adult and the other a child under the age of consent.  Kaitlyn and her mother, tried to make this out to be a case of homophobia.  Except that is not the case.  What they leave out is the parents of the 14 year old complained and asked Kaitlyn to stay away from their daughter twice, before going to the prosecutor and police.  

This is not about Kaitlyn Hunt Smith being gay (or bisexual or whatever she is) but about her taking sexual advantage of a 14 year old girl after being repeatedly warned to stay away from her.

Meet Kate's Date (with the tattoo on his chest:  Only God Can Judge Me).  
The Other McCain has been all over this story with the following posts:
Mar 29: The Emerging Menace of Female Predators…
Dec 30: Kaitlyn Hunt's probation problem...
Dec 25: But they were in love...
Dec 10: Former Florida teacher of the year gets 38 years for guess what...
Dec 2:   But if they are born that way...?
Dec  1:  Public education update...
Nov 28: Happy Thanksgiving Kate
Nov 25: Kaitlyn Hunt Smith: Daddy Issues...
Nov 24: Kaitlyn Hunt lies, documents prove it...
Nov 17: The pro pedophile movement that the left pretends doesn't exist...
Nov 9: Cheerleading coach craved hot forbidden teen meat...
Nov 9: Relentless perversity
Nov 8: Texas high school girls pimps out friends as young as 14...
Nov 6: How dare you quote me, Haters!
Nov 4: Teachers arrested for child pornography
Nov 3: Youth football coach arrested for raping 11 year old cheerleader
Oct 17: #FreeKate freaks argue that 9 should be consensual age
Oct 17: You're not angry enough...
Oct 14: Pro Pedophile Progressives
Oct 09: Busy day on Kook Beat
Oct 07: Dueling meltdowns: Schmalfeldt and #FreeKate (both are retarded without the banjo skills)
Oct 04: When balanced journalism is bad...
Oct 03: #FreeKate dad threatens violence...
Oct 03: Kate Hunt plea deal prompts #FreeKate dad vicious rant...
Oct 02: #FreeKate mom: It is not right, fair, or just that my daughter is pleading guilty to a crime...
Oct 02: Kate Hunt expected to take plea deal: CNN
Oct 01: Kate Hunt gets a new plea offer...
Oct 01: Bad causes attract bad people: #FreeKate narrative collapses...
Sep 15: Troll Patrol
Sep 11: #FreeKate says Kate does not like jail...
Aug 27: #FreeKate mom alternative morality lecture
Aug 26: #FreeKate mom defining deviancy down.
Aug 25: Hunt Family Values
Aug 25: Potius Mori Quam Foedari
Aug 23: Mystery in #FreeKate case...
Aug 23: Mama Kate upset Daughter Kate treated like a criminal in jail...
Aug 23: Kate Hunt accused of bullying and using homophobic slurs...
Aug 22: RSM and Ali live on #FreeKate and Chelsea Manning...
Aug 22: New concept of rights in America: If you are not gay you don't have any...
Aug 22: #FreeKate Father pressured a victim not to file a battery charge...
Aug 22: #FreeKate's Father conspires to shut down TOM
Aug 22: #FreeKate Comic Interlude
RSM has been busy over a ViralRead too...
Aug 21: Kaitlyn's Mom has got it going on...NOT!
Aug 21: Media covers for #FreeKate while her supporters attack victim's family...
Aug 21: #FreeKate Adventures in Babysitting
Aug 21: Kate Hunt's lawyer:  Fails client, scapegoats the prosecution...
Aug 20: New #FreeKate poster revealed...
Aug 20: Kate's bond revoked, evidence overwhelming says Judge...
Aug 19: Kaitlyn Hunt back in jail...
Aug 19: Obstruction of Justice
Aug 18: Florida: The Rape State
Aug 17: Vengence...
Aug 16: Predator Kate...
Aug 15: McCain talkes about #FreeKate movement...
Aug 15: Prosecutor claims Kate violated order, send lewd message to victim...
Aug. 5:  Mother of a convicted drug dealer running the #FreeKate movement?
July 6:    The #FreeKate case is typical...
July 2:    Why do so many #FreeKate fanatics remind me of a Jethro Tull song...
July 2:    Neutral objective incompetence... (not a #FreeKate story...but related in a way)
July 1:    Australian gay men have baby through surrogate and then sexually exploit (obviously an extreme case and not the same as what Kaitlyn is accused of but it shows the danger of not paying attention to signs of abuse) (not a #FreeKate story, but related in a way).
July 1:    Inside the #FreeKate meltdown...
July 1:    Kaitlyn Hunt's big fat gay pride parade day  (she needs to catch the Castro and Fulsom Street parades in San Francisco for the best in debauchery...I mean family values).
June 29: Evanescent Youth, Predatory Peristence
June 28: WorstCartoonVagina...
June 27: Kate's mom becomes unhinged...
June 26: Is banging jailbait the new civil disobedience?
June 21: Perverts, Degenerates and Sociopaths
June 21: Eliminationist Rhetoric of @QueerSpring2013
June 19: Weirdos, Freaks, and Degenerates
June 18: Speaking of alleged perverts...
June 17: The psychosis of equality...
June 14: Meet a "model citizen" supporting #FreeKate
June 13: Just a little girl on her way to school...
June 12: The #FreeKate Criminal Caucus
June 11: Did Kaitlyn contact the victim after her arrest?
June 11: #FreeKate as a pop culture meme
June 10: Gay divorce (well this is not a #FreeKate issue, but I will post it here)
June 9:   #FreeKate: You are going to need a bigger movement.
June 8:   She blinded me with pseudo science...
June 8:   Relationship as a euphemism, what does it say about our culture?
June 7:   18 year old Kate fundraising at a gay bar...
June 4:   "Low Information Voters," IYKWIMAITYD
June 4:   But, it was consensual...
June 3:   Special rights for teen lesbians!
June 2:   Model citizen Kate Hunt's 2:1 Beat Down
June 1:   Kate Hunt's dad pressured a victim not to press battery charges...
June 1:   Hunt Family Hate
May 31: Local PFLAG: The Cry of Discrimination Does Not Seem To Apply...
May 31: The #FreeKate meltdown continues...
May 30: Hiroshima for #FreeKate: Younger sister calls mom a f_g bad ass...
May 30: Kate's new defense--It's Legal In Canada!
May 30: Can you count all the lies from Kate's mom?
May 29: Quite possibly the most eloquent sentence of RSM's career...
May 29: Saint Kate of the Blessed Finger...
May 28: Liberal Logic: #FreeKate Edition
May 27: The #FreeKate Lies Unravel...

The only reason I bring up the work of Peck is the fact that I think it is the only way to even begin to comprehend what is going on in Florida.  Let’s begin with Steven Hunt. It is not an attach on his character to reveal the fact that he has a somewhat unsavory record.  There were other arrests.  He was one time a cop, fired from his job for lying.There are a growing number of us, thanks to the yoeman’s work that R. S. McCain (yes, that R. S. McCain – the one I’m usually complaining about) has been doing. The Pink Flamingo is providing a link to his blog.  Just go from there.  He is doing some excellent work, and has been on this story from the beginning.  I don’t mind admitting that I ignored it until I discovered that Kaitlyn Hunt’s victim was not 15, as her parents had insisted, and she 17 when the ‘romance’ began, but she was well over 18 and the victim was only 14 years old.  That changed the story.  I have been on record, many times, stating that some of the so-called statutory rape charges between a guy who was a few years older than his 16, 17, or even almost 16 year old girl friend, were often unwarranted.  Then again, if there is a larger spread in ages, lock him up. Lock her up.  There is no difference in gender here, just in intent.
We are dealing with some very strange family dynamics.  For this, read in detail, the most recent post by McCain.  It is a very nasty story.  It is also where The Pink Flamingo wants to start using that dreaded “E” word.  I did not think this was originally a tale of ‘evil’.  I do now.  I don’t know what the original intent of the 18 year old young woman was when it came to the 14 year old minor.  I don’t think it was wholesome.  I don’t think she had the best interest the person she said she cared about in mind when she basically picked her up on the steps of the 14 year old’s home and kept her at her home for a weekend of fun and sex.
That’s illegal.  If you stop and check the percentages of 18 year old guys who go at it with 14 year old girls, you would find the numbers are almost shockingly low, no matter what we’re lead to believe.  The average, normal, 18 year old – male or female – knows that anyone under the age of 16 is jail bait.  If they are over the age of 18, anyone basically under 18 is just that – jail bait.  It’s a fact of life, male, female, gay, or lesbian. You don’t have sex with an underage child.
We’ve given her the benefit of the doubt.
When her parents lie about the 14 year old and her age, well, they’re protecting their little darling who just managed to get in over hear head.  Her father is a documented liar.  Does that change the story?  Does the story change when her parents publish the name and age of the 14 year child their adult daughter has molested?
When does it become evil?
Does it become evil when Steve Hunt begins raising tens of thousands of dollars to purchase merchandise about his daughter?
When does it become evil?
Does it become evil after the 14 year old is lied about, her parents exposed, and her future basically threatened?
You know, I think it does.
I think this entire situation reeks of something terribly evil. The Pink Flamingo is not afraid to call it what it is.  It is evil.  It is an evil that seduces and steals the innocence of a child.  It is an evil where well-meaning people embrace the attractive blond young women, and don’t quite want to accept the mixed race child she molested.
What this tale should not be is:

  • Christian v. Atheist
  • Liberal v. Conservative
  • Democrat v. Republican
  • Straight v. Gay
It is good verses evil. Our society should have the maturity and wisdom to understand the difference before that witch hunt gets all emotional and an innocent 14 year old little girls is metaphorically burned at the stake of good intentions.
I am not shocked by an 18 year old with a 14 year old, but I do find it a problem when that 18 year old gets two warnings from the 14 year old girl's parents to back off, the age of consent where this is occurring is 16, and the 18 fails to do so.  That is a crime and it should be punished.  
DaTechGuy draws a conclusion looking at the Edward Snowden case and the Kaitlyn Hunt Smith matter...
DaTechGuy makes an important point:
One of the oddities of the Church’s s sex scandals has been the media simultaneously pushing the guilt of the Catholic Church while ignoring it was overwhelmingly a scandal of gay men having sex with underage boys. This is, as Stacy McCain would call it, a Neutral objective fact yet the fastest way to get yourself called a hater or a bigot or to produce outrage or anger from the gay community is to point this out.

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