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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Preview of the coming Supreme Court decision on Obama Care: Ruth Bader Ginsberg says there is sharp disagreement...

This is unusual.  I do not recall a justice ever speaking out about a decision before it is released...
Beyond speculating, I think it is fair to say
it will not be a unanimous decision!  
h/t:  Drudge Report


  1. Well, she is a flaming Lib. and it's the ideology that has to be held foremost- no matter what.

    1. My gut reaction is she is speaking out because her side is on the losing side of this argument. We will see.

  2. This all the more reason to vote Obama out of office so we don't have to worry about the left appointing anymore extreme Liberals to the bench.

    1. It is one of the primary reasons not to vote for Obama!


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