Friday, January 24, 2025

Trump meets with North Carolina families affected by Hurricane Helene (California to follow)

President Trump is pointing out FEMA is often poor at responding to disasters. As we saw in North Carolina, FEMA was actively partisan and prejudiced against those they perceived to be hostile to Joe Biden and the Democrats. Put primary focus on state governors to respond to crisis (with assistance from FEMA).

Of course, in the case of California, it was the state and local officials (all Democrats) who made the fire crisis far far worse. Same is true for Maui. California and Hawaii citizens do need assistance and it is also reasonable for the federal government to put reasonable conditions on such aid to avoid disasters in the future.  

I am starting to connect the dots on Democrats sucking at disaster relief.  See below. Voters should pay attention to that. You get what you keep voting for.  

The conference is towards the end of the live feed.

American Greatness: Trump Visits Hurricane-Ravaged North Carolina; Says FEMA ‘Let the Country Down’

Daily Mail: LA Mayor Karen Bass in Cuba

AoSHQ: Morning Report 01.24.25

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