Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Illinois Deputy Sean Grayson Charged With 1st Degree Murder of Woman In Her Home Calling 9/11

 Sheriff Deputy Sean Grayson is charged with 1st degree murder of Sonya Massey.

I do not see any justification for what the police did here. I do not see a threat. Am I missing something?  Update:  I did miss something...see below.

Update: Andrew Branca breaks this down:

Update: Ok, going frame by frame, Andrew Branca makes excellent points. Grayson still has a big problem. He got angry quickly (when he previously started swearing at Massey--presumably that was prompted by a fear things would escallate--which they in fact did).  Grayson at the critical moment goes forward against Sonya Massey rather than just backing up and potentially leaving the situtation. A jury may very well find that was not reasonable.


  1. I assume that the defense will be that the boiling water is a deadly weapon. The case can certainly be made but the circumstances speak against it given the distance and the barrier. And, yes, I am familiar with the Tueller drill and have trained on it. The weird thing is that I couldn't tell from the video when it was that the encounter went bad. It was all Officer Friendly right up to the point when he shot her. Was the video edited?

    1. I thought the same thing about the video being editted. He seemed to get really hot over the hot water, but it looked like she was making tea and she was across the room. She did not seem that angry. Given she is the one who called the police, why not just leave? There is something missing from that encounter.


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