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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

John Denver: Trail of Tears

28 May 1830: Indian Removal Act signed by Andrew Jackson

1 comment:

  1. every tribe had their own "trail of tears" as they removed to Okla (I.T.). The Cherokees procrastinated and refused to plan until Jackson removed them -- at the worst time of the year and with no planning (i.e. food, etc). While the Chickasaws planned and left right after harvest and after negotiation of guns, seed corn, blankets, shelter, etc. Their trip was hard but not as bad as Cherokees. But the Cherokees have milked this forever to garner sympathy. The outcome for the Indians was hard, but it is what happened for a variety of reasons and it is history. Now is what we should be ashamed of -- allowing them to isolate themselves on reservations and under oppression. The best thing for them would be assimilation.


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