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Friday, July 7, 2023

Sound of Freedom beat Indiana Jones at the box office? 🤯


Sound of Freedom was an excellent lean budget film (with a powerful message)...

Indiana Jones not so much.

If you look at the actual numbers, Indiana Jones was seen by more people and brought in more money.  The problem is Indy probably cost $300 million to make and distribute (maybe more).  Sound of Freedom was done in a very lean manner, with total budget and marketing/distribution less than $20 million. 

What Sound of Freedom shows is there is a hunger for more uplifting fare. Hollywood should learn that spending boat loads of cash does not automatically equal success. 

That is not to say there isn't a market for big expensive action blockbusters...just that Indy was not that (well except for the expensive part). Actor Producer Tom Cruise did very well with Top Gun last year and will probably do well with the new Mission Impossible. John Wick 4 made bank earlier this year. Heck--notally not woke Super Mario was way big. 

Because some women want to watch the world burn...

Boxoffice Mojo: Sound of Freedom and Indiana Jones

Instapundit: SoF vs Indy and Hollywood noticed

Showbiz 411: Sound beats Indy

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