Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tummy Tuck Complications in Mexico šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬


Hot Air: Mexican Cartel says "so sorry" (send tourists back, please)

Scary stuff. Apparent these South Carolina residents who were doing medical tourism in Matamoros, Mexico, got mistaken at Haitans by the local drug cartel and were kidnapped. Two are already murdered, the other two are alive. My prayers and condolances to this family. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time--but they certainly are the victims here.  

Of course, they are not the only casualties of Mexico's drug cartells. More than 100,000 Americans died of drug and fentanyl overdoses last year, thanks to that drug coming from China via Mexican cartels. My prayers and condolances to those families too.  

You might think twice about going to Mexico. Those cartels are racist! Ok, they are equal opportunity muderers and criminals--they don't care who you are. Of course, the cartels will get some heat over this from the Federales in Mexico, because this threatens tourism and commerce--but no big deal, the drug and border crimes will continue on. 

Of course the media announcer has to over do the Spanish pronounciations. Just because. 

AoSHQ: Morning Report 03.07.23

RedState: 2 dead, 2 live

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