Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Brian Stelter: Male Potato Prostitute šŸ„”šŸ˜¬


Apparently the Blogger algarithms deleted my Brian Stelter post because I used a word that starts with "w" and rhymes with "more."  To be fair, the thought of Brian Stelter engaged in explicit intimate activities is offensive to all. Of course, what I was really describing was Brian Stelter selling what little journalistic credibility he has to anyone who pays. Let's face it--that is normal in the capitols of the world and certainly at CNN, K Street, and most networks.  

Instapundit: Ex-CNN Star Brian Stelter is basically a prostitute, says Joe Rogan and Potato Prostitute

EBL: Call Me: The Escorts of Davos

AoSHQ: Morning Report 02.14.23

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