Monday, October 17, 2022

Russia Has Problems


There is a reason at boot camp the DIs don't go and turn you over to seperate shooting instructors.  Talk about dumb, Russia is all about humilation and breaking down conscripts. So they decide to mock Islam with Muslim draftees (who don't want to be there) while those draftees have loaded weapons. What could go wrong? Fook around and find out!  I am not justifying murderous Muslim rampages, but jeeze louise! 

EBL: When will Russian Troops revolt against Uncle Vlad and his Officers? šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬, Russian Woman, and Ukrainian Warrior Women

Instapundit: Diplomat defects from Kremlin

Hot Air: Russian Recruits Cannon Fodder

AoSHQ: Morning Report 10.17.22


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