Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mar-a-Lago Raid: It wasn't Merrick Garland, it was Christopher Wray?


I find this hard to believe, first the Biden White House claims it had no knowledge (ok, maybe just to insulate the WH and Team Biden are a bunch of blabbermouths too), but suggesting the same for Merrick Garland?  He is the Attorney General!  How could such a major decision not involve him.  Update: Garland confirmed he did approve this.

Using a magistrate judge who was involved defending Epstein to sign the warrant was bad enough. We now have more info that it appears a copy of the warrant was not given to Trump's people (he was not present at the time) and that his lawyer was forced to leave. Apparently some "informant" is the basis for this debacle? 

Over nothing. There was no resistance to turning over documents and they allowed the National Archieves access already. What a political 💩 show. 

Conservative Treehouse: Mar-a-Lago

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