Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Help Save Jeff Goldstein's Home šŸ”


Medical Expenses with his son: GiveSendGo

billyhollis ā€¢ 3 hours ago

Earlier than almost anyone on the right, Jeff helped many of us understand the importance of language and its control. Except for perhaps Orwell, no one has done more to help me grasp those concepts.

The left redefines words as necessary to suit their tactical purposes, demands we accept their warped meanings, and uses language to rig the rules of all debate and opposition to their authoritarian impulses. We all get that now, and (except for a few pollyannas) we all know not to expect good faith debate with the left. In short, they cheat, endlessly and flagrantly, and Jeff has analyzed in depth how they cheat.

It is a travesty of political good sense that the Hot Air types basically drummed Jeff out of "polite" company on the right. They were not ready (as some still are not) to accept the perfidy and lack of good faith on the part of the left. Jeff was often rude to those bad faith actors on the left, and the hoity-toity right just couldn't stand it, the same way they couldn't stand it when Trump was even more rude to them a few years later.
Jeff Goldstein Michael Hiteshew ā€¢ 3 hours ago ā€¢ edited

Our deductible is insanely high, and, eg., my son's Oxytocin is not covered, and his testosterone is $8k out of pocket. Here's a list of his medications and schedule:

Hydrocortisone (3x/day)

Levothyroxine (daily)

HGH (daily)

Testosterone (weekly)

Adderall (daily)

Oxytocin (2x/day)

Metformin (daily)

Sertraline (daily)

DDAVP (4x/day)

In all, he goes to an endocrinologist every 6 months. He receives an MRI yearly. He sees specialists regularly: neuro-oncology, neuropsych, a nutritionist, sports medicine, a psychologist, and a sleep specialist.

Last year his endocrinologist didnā€™t adjust some of his meds to keep up w his growth. As a result, he couldnā€™t sleep for weeks at a time ā€” and in conjunction w being locked down, he tried to end his life. We were caught completely off guard, but fortunately, we made the decision before Satch was born hat one of us would remain at home with our children. We were there when it mattered most.

Weā€™ve since gotten him to specialists who treat him as an individual and not a stat sheet of height and weight. To do this, we have to travel out of state. Heā€™s slept much better since and holds down a full time job, having just graduated a National Honor Society member.

AoSHQ: Morning Report 07.12.22

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