Monday, February 21, 2022

Ted Turner Reported To Be Suicidal šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¢


Keep Ted Turner From Watching CNN

I did not always agree with Ted Turner's politics, but I found him to be an interesting guy. I admired him creating CNN. It is sad what CNN has become. Turner left Time Warner AOL in disgust. It has only gotten far worse. Could Ted be happy with Stelter and Reliable Sources?

I am sorry Ted Turner is in poor health. Watching CNN will not help.  

AoSHQ: Morning Report 02.21.22

1 comment:

  1. My recollection is (1) his father committed suicide in 1963 and (2) magazine profiles of him ca. 1982 said he could be remarkably casual in his table talk about suicide, as in "Oh, well, I could always commit suicide'. My memory may be off. It must be wretched seeing others wreck what you built.


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