Saturday, November 20, 2021

I want to live in a country where people are not so fucking stupid...


Is this real?  WTF?

Legal Insurrection: Leftist Meltdown over Rittenhouse verdict and NOT GUILTY!

EBL: KYLE RITTENHOUSE NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! 🥳🎉🍾, MSNBC and NBC Intimidating Rittenhouse Jurors ⚖️😬, Schrödinger's Kyle ⚖️😬🙀, Prosecutor Binger's Closing Argument in Rittenhouse Trial Includes Pointing A Rifle At Court Gallery Full of People 😬 and So How Is The Rittenhouse Trial Going 🧑🏻‍⚖️🤔

TOM: Rittenhouse Verdict Reactions Show What ‘White Supremacy’ Means to the Left and KYLE RITTENHOUSE ACQUITTED ON ALL COUNTS IN KENOSHA


  1. I have an answer for the 3 year old same as I gave my own 4 kids when growing up = "if you use violence to get your way then expect violence for others to keep their way". Simple. It's why I have carried a hand cannon for 40 years = not to shoot at anyone but to shoot back in case of need. Simple. And if I have to shoot first then dang sure I will so hopefully "Uncle" tells Junior a lesson in life of violence. Don't give none and likely you'll receive none. Go out with violence then expect violence in return. Simple.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.