Tuesday, August 24, 2021

This is only half the problem...


The Democrats deserve to be driven out of power, but what about the GOPe?  

Great, the House and Senate will likely shift to GOP control in 2022. That is a good thing since we have seen the damage the Democrats can impose. But that is just a part of the problem. We have learned you can't trust the GOPe.

 AoSHQ: Morning Report 08.24.21 and Is it too late to do our own Long March? (maybe, but I would start with trying to purge the worst of the GOPe and go from there).  


  1. So, who are the "worst of the GOPe"? Never Trumpers would presumably be prime candidates. Who else?

    1. Any list starts with Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski. Ben Sasse needs to get the boot too.


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