Wednesday, August 11, 2021

How's The Fishing Fredo? 😬


The media is a bigger problem. They enabled Andrew Cuomo🥔. They allowed him the cover that resulted in policy decisions that killed those seniors in nursing homes. I doubt the media is going to change anytime soon (the bias and partisanship is too entrenched). 

Still some sacrifices may need to be made. Dumping Chris "Fredo" Cuomo is an easy one for CNN to make. His usefulness for them is over now and he is a reminder of what they really are all about. 

Breitbart: CNN's Stelter 🥔: NYT Is Right, Chris Cuomo 'Was on the Phone with His Brother This Week,' But Chris Has Boundaries 

Don Surber: Cuomo sacrificed to shield Democrat corruption and Cuomo Resigns, Is His Brother Next?

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