Saturday, August 14, 2021

Haiti Earthquake 2021 🌎🇭🇹😢

This is a map from the 2010 earthquake, but today's is similar.

It was a 7.2 earthquake. While significant, that is not a "massive" earthquake. How damaging an earthquake is depends on a number of different factors (depth of the earth event, soil types, etc.), but building construction is a huge issue. 

Guess what, building construction in Haiti generally sucks. It is too bad since if the country had more reinforced concrete, it would work both for earthquakes and hurricanes. Concrete is expensive in developed countries because it is labor intensive, but Haiti has very inexpensive labor. There is no excuse for most buildings to be reinforced concrete. You can even re-use masonry rubble in new concrete.   

I am sure BLM and MSNBC are right on this...

Tragic Geology?  You mean like most of the American West?  Engineering probably can't resist giant earthquakes (such as a 9+), but a 7 should not cause massive deaths (the Richter scale is exponential, so a 9 is 100 times bigger than a 7).

This is just after the January 2010 quake and about five years later...

Clintons: Tanned, Rested, Ready to Grift!

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