Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Does Joe Biden Really Know What Time It Is? ⌚️😬😠

Beyond the disrespect to these grieving families, it is obvious Joe Biden is incapable of holding it together anymore due to his mental health. I have nothing but contempt and anger towards his wife and the Democrats enabling this.  The amount of damage they are doing to our citizens, our allies, and this country is catastrophic and getting worse by the day. 

American Greatness: Biden Officials At Kabul Airport Warned American Rescue Plane To Turn back or Be Shot Down and Afghanistan – The Big Con

Mark Steyn: Do You Know What It Means To Miss Being Way Down Yonder In New Orleans? and Going With The Flow

Louder With Crowder: Biden Offends Pregnant Widow Of Marine Killed In Kabul By Making It About His Son Beau

TOM: Biden Speech Signals Beginning of Media Effort to ‘Pivot’ Away Afghanistan

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