Saturday, June 5, 2021

MAGA and F**k Facebook 😡☀️


The events of January 6 were nothing, compared to the over-reaction to the events of January 6. It is being used as an excuse to allow Trump's critics and big tech to hobble him coming back into the politics.  Of course the GOP Elites are not pushing back.  They would just as well see Trump left out in the wilderness so they can get their grift going again.  

People on the left and the establishment right don't get it. If Facebook, Twitter, and other big tech platforms can do this to Trump, they can do it to anybody.  

NC Trump Speech

Hogewash : Et tu, India?

.357 Magnum: Stop Using F*ckbook

Powerline: Facebook Bans Trump for Two Years

Mark Steyn: The Narrowing Bounds of Free Speech

Gab News: No, President Trump Is Not Back On Facebook

Legal Insurrection: Facebook Bans Trump for at least two years

American Greatness: From What Lab Did ‘Cancel Culture’ Leak?

According To Hoyt: A Cabal Of Our Enemies and Where We Are Now

Rush Limbaugh: Rush Knew It, You Know It: The Democrat Party IS Antifa

Louder With Crowder: World’s Greatest Former President Takes Victory Lap Over Fauci’s Emails

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Woodsterman: Rule Five

.357 Magnum : Sat Links

Hogewash: Quote of the Day

Bacon Time: Sunday Linkage

Powerline: The Week In Pictures

Animal Magnetism: Gingermageddon

The Right Way: Saturday Link-O-Rama

The Feral Irishman: Friday Femme Fatale

Red Pilled Jew : Rule Five and Sad News!

Pirate's Cove: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

American Elephants: There is no climate crisis

Diogenes Middle Finger News: Despair Closet at Amazon

A View From The Beach: Manuela Arcuri and Fish Pic Friday

Knuckledraggin My Life Away: I'm sure she's taken, men and I’ll leave you with this

TOM: Crazy People Are DangerousIn the Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Evening Edition)In The Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Afternoon Edition)What ‘Settler Colonialism’ Is AboutIn The Mailbox: 06.02.21Google ‘Diversity Strategist’ Accused Jews of ‘Insatiable Appetite for War’If You’re Worried About That Creepy Old Guy, It’s WHITE SUPREMACY!In The Mailbox: 06.01.21 (Evening Edition)In The Mailbox: 06.01.21 (Morning Edition)Creepy Joe Gets Even CreepierCrazy People Are DangerousIn The Mailbox: 05.28.21In The Mailbox: 05.27.21In The Mailbox: 05.26.21The Vindication of President TrumpIn The Mailbox: 05.25.21

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and streaming through the Wuhan Coronacalypse:  

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