Thursday, July 23, 2020

National Theater: Amadeus 🎭

National Theater has Peter Shaffer's Amadeus (streaming ends this afternoon).

Enjoy it while you can. Free streaming over.

Lucian Msamati is excellent as Salieri.

Karla Crome is terrific as Mozart's wife

Mental Floss: Amadeus (the film)

Review of National Theater's Amadeus

Mark Steyn: So blind auditions for musicians are racist? 

Fleur de Bray

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Acid Cow: Pic Dump

Bacon Time: Chi Groot!


Hogewash: Quote of the Day

View from Lady Lake: Rule 5

Legal Insurrection: Pelosi on PDX

American Elephants: PDX failed CHOP

Woodsterman: Frazier in CHAZ and Rule 5

The Woodpile Report: Young woman and RIP

The Right Way: Patriot Day and Link-O-Rama

Diogenes' Middle Finger: A Karen Pissed Op-Ed

American Spectator: The Media's Attrocity Narrative

Animal Magnatism: 1776 Project and Gingermageddon

A View from the Beach: Oregon, My Oregon and Stone Free

Political Clown Parade: Plantation JoeFlowing Curves Of Beauty, and 😢

Proof Positive: Vintage Babe of the Week Susan Heyward and Best of the Web

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