Saturday, June 20, 2020

šŸ”„ Some men just want to watch the world burn... šŸ”„šŸ¤”

It is chaos right now, and some very unsavory people trying to manipulate you behind the scenes. Chaos is an allusion, it is not random, there are patterns and rules behind it. Pay attention, resist, and keep your powder dry.  

Some say these are the last days of American Civilization. I do not think so, but I do believe these are critical times. People need to resist the forces of destruction. Keep the faith.  

Rush Limbaugh: Shining Shoes? Been there, done that...,Weā€™re Living Through an Era of Judicial Supremacy, Leftist Politics Has Destroyed the Unifying Power of Sports, Will Police Unions Abandon the Democrats?, Kimmel Takes Summer Off to Escape Blackface Past, When Will the Mob Come for Sheets Byrd?, and Will American Civilization Survive?

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