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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid 19: Canada vs Sweden

There is probably not enough data to really tell (yet) which approach is best (you need a longer period to study and also need to compare the economic impact). To be fair, the United States has a mixed approach that is similar to Sweden's in some rural states, and mirroring that of Canada and Europe in more dense states. 

In a densely populated city (like New York) the Swedish approach seems like it is a recipe for disaster. Sweden is not that anywhere near that dense though and Swedes are voluntarily socially distancing and encouraged to stay home if vulnerable or feeling unwell. Then you have insane out of control government, like Michigan's governor.

Update: Would coronavirus be more deadlier than the Spanish flu (but for medical intervention)? Probably not. Yes, people died from the Spanish flu because of lack of antibiotics (for secondary infections) and misguided treatment (overdoses of aspirin). But there do not seem to be mass deaths from coronavirus anywhere (other than perhaps Ecuador) and the world is way more connected now that it was in 1917-18.  Coronavirus has killed world wide about 100,000 and Spanish Flu killed (in a world far less populated) at least 50 million (possibly as high as 100 million). Short of a mass vaccine (something we definitely don't have yet), first world medical treatment would not make up a difference like that.

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